Your biomimetic skincare experts
OmniDerm is the exclusive distributor of Dr. Spiller Biomimetic Skincare, Alex Cosmetic (Herbs2Peel) and Reveel by MedSkin Solutions in Australia.
Providing Australians with quality skincare since 1996
In the 1990s, we came across statements from German industry leaders claiming that certain types of creams exhibit superior performance on the skin. These creams are so-called w/o emulsions. In other words, they are oil-based.
Our research lead us to a trade fair in beautiful Gmunden in Austria where we found the stand of Dr. Spiller GmbH. Of all exhibitors at the event, they were the only company that specialized in w/o creams. Following a meeting at their headquarters in Siegsdorf, Bavaria, we signed an agreement to become the exclusive distributors of this outstanding brand in Australia and New Zealand.
Our Approach and Philosophy
Trusted Supplier Since 1996
Scientific approach respecting natural laws
Biomimetic skin barrier support
Empowering our Skincare Partners
We believe in supplying skincare that 'works with the skin', rather than 'doing to the skin'.
We believe in the gentle and cooperative approach to the care of our skin. That’s why our focus is exclusively on biomimetic skincare products and skincare brands. Our scientifically-backed products support the skin in its ongoing quest for homeostasis. Our focus has always been on supporting the skin’s hydro-lipidic barrier, on healthy levels of hydration in the skin and the avoidance of any substances that cause irritation or inflammation.
In 1997, we added the unique Herbal Peeling process to our assortment. It perfectly complements our biomimetic philosophy in skincare. Rather than forcing skin repair through injury, this skin resurfacing treatment works with and supports the body’s own regenerative processes.
In 2023, we added Reveel by MedSkin Solutions to our assortment. MedSkin Solutions look back on 50 years of cooperation with major burns units. Their patented Collagen Fleece is used with great success in cases of severe burns. Reveel is the cosmetic arm of this highly respected company.
Research-Driven History
We believe in biomimetic skincare. Our philosophy and our ‘first do no harm’ approach to skincare have been shaped by our CEO and founder Paul Fister, with guidance from dermatologists and experts from Germany.
Passionate about empowering and educating skin professionals, Paul went on to obtain qualifications in cosmetic formulation and continues to actively research latest trends in skin care and the chemistry of skin care products.
His research, education papers and articles have been published in industry magazines. His early writings on skin hydration, the importance of the skin’s hydro-lipidic barrier and the damage caused by sub-clinical inflammation are now gaining industry-wide acceptance.
It is this passion for better skin and skin education that led OmniDerm to create Skinformation, our online education hub available exclusively to all our partner clinics. It is a collection of the information and wisdom gleaned from industry leaders in Germany and Austria, from numerous books, both from US and European scientists as well as scientific articles.
Paul’s background gave him the unique opportunity to study and compare literature from the English-speaking world with that from Germany. It led to some interesting insights which, at some point, will be revealed in Skinformation.

Working with the skin, rather than against it
The concept of ‘biomimetics’ was first discussed in the 1950’s by the American biophysicist Otto Schmitt. Applied to and combined with science it is a powerful approach that has led to tremendous innovations in many fields, including high-tech such as aviation and low-tech as found in common household items.
The biomimetic approach to skincare invariably leads to oil-based creams because they are a true replication of the skin’s hydro-lipidic barrier. It comes as a surprise to many that oil-based creams are not only suitable for dry skins but are a superior solution for oily skin, and in fact for some types of acneic skin. The reasons are explained in relevant modules in our Skinformation.
Become An OmniDerm Partner
Attract and retain clients with the best biomimetic skincare, and gain the expert training, local service and support you need to succeed.
We believe in the win-win-win world of business. We supply exceptional products, in-depth training and high levels of support to our clinics. They in turn reward us with their loyalty. And their clients/patients benefit from industry-leading results in the care of their skin.
Our careful selection process ensures our partners access the best biomimetic skincare in the market. Each and every brand within our stock list has been carefully researched, tested and assessed to ensure their commitment to high-quality, biomimetic and sustainable skincare. This process results in premium skincare solutions that partner clinics can trust to deliver results time and time again.
Join us to Deliver superior results to your clients
Work with premium skincare brands
Access an ever growing online database of industry know-how
Get expert training and personalised service
Reliable service and support
All our account managers are trained skin therapists, with experience in a clinic environment. They are just a call, text or email away. Our team meets regularly to further their education in skin science generally and our product lines in particular. Our account managers are supported by
our National Trainer Susan Dann. For specific questions relating to philosophy of our products they refer to our CEO, Paul Fister.
Expert training and events
When you join the OmniDerm family, you get immediate access to all modules on Skinformation, including detailed treatment protocols, manuals and videos illustrating our treatments. Your account manager will train you and your team for a full day each in Dr. Spiller and Herbs2Peel. We strongly suggest that you invite ten to twenty of your best clients for an Introduction Evening. Your clients will experience a wonderful evening of skin education and will be offered free mini-facials.
These events are highly beneficial: you and your team learn by observing how we explain biomimetic skin care to your clients. It is not uncommon that the complete retail stock of the opening order is sold out during such an event. This gives you and your team peace of mind about ‘client acceptance’ of your new range and teaches you and your team how to move your clients to a ‘buy’ mentality. Your clients are happy to buy if they see value. They don’t like to be ‘sold to’.
Skinformation, our online education hub
Expand your knowledge about skin, its structure and functions as well as its interaction with biomimetic skincare. Learn how to identify causes that reflect as symptoms on your clients’ skin.
Treating symptoms is a stopgap measure at best. Modules in Skinfomation will explain and illustrate how you achieve superior results by identifying and focussing on causes rather than symptoms.
High quality, biomimetic products and treatments
We are committed to bringing the best of biomimetic skincare to Australia. This powerful philosophy started in Germany so we only work with industry leaders from that country.
We have a strong commitment to sustainability and work with natural or nature-identical ingredients where possible.
Sometimes a synthetic ingredient will be safer, more effective or will blend better into the formulation. We are not fanatical about being natural or organic or whatever new trend comes along. We are only fanatical about delivering the best results with high levels of safety.
Comments from our Partner Clinics